
Distributed Systems

Projects at the department

The department currently engages in large-scale projects funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and European Union. In addition, we are working on joint projects in cooperation with national and international partners from both industry and research institutions.

During the first period of the DFG project Integrated Controller Design Methods and Communication Services for Networked Control Systems, a network model has been designed that distinguishes between deterministic (reliable) transmissions for guaranteeing stability, and opportunistic (unreliable) transmissions for optimizing quality of control. Based on this model, the work of the second funding period is focused on the following goals: On the one hand, the complexity of the targeted networked control systems is increased to cover a larger set of control systems. On the other hand, methods for controller replication are investigated to increase the robustness of the networked control system.

Contact: Robin Laidig, Frank Dürr


NCS Project

The EU funded project RENergetic develops forecasting, optimization and management services for energy communities to maximize their level of autarky and their share of renewable energy consumption. It consists of a trans-disciplinary team of specialists from a wide area of fields, including sociology, economy, machine learning, operations research, electricity and heat.

The project on one hand develops technological solutions, and, on the other hand, addresses social challenges. The main technological contribution is a stochastic linear multi-vector optimizer that combines demand side flexibility with production and consumption forecasts to find an optimal match between energy supply and demand. Additionally, RENergetic is developing a social framework for building energy communities and increasing their engagement and acceptance towards renewable energy sources.

The impact of the developed solutions will be evaluated at three pilot sites in Europe: The New Docks in Ghent (BE), the Warta Campus in Poznan (PL) and the Hospital and Research campus in Segrate-Milan (Italy).

Contact: Sonja Klingert


RENergetic Project

In cooperation with key players from industry and academia, the EU funded project DETERMINISTIC6G addresses three central challenges of future deterministic end-to-end communication enabled by 6G: (1) A new architecture for 6G systems for predictable performance; (2) Data-driven awareness of stochastically evolving network performance, with time synchronization over heterogeneous domains; (3) Leveraging novel digital twins of both 6G networks and cyber-physical systems to anticipate circumstances impacting determinism of networks and safety of cyber-physical systems.

Contact: Frank Dürr, Lucas Haug, Simon Egger



The DFG funded project MAKI  aims to improve the existing infrastructure of the Internet by combining the underlying mechanisms of communication systems efficiently. A central concept is “transition technology", by which the network automatically makes use of all available connecting mechanisms, such as LTE, Bluetooth or WIFI as befits the respective context of use.

Subproject A4 investigates transition mechanisms that enable proactive self-optimization within self-adaptive communication systems and their applications. The first goal is to enable the model-based design of the system’s reconfiguration behavior. Additionally, the subproject seeks to develop a runtime environment (middleware) to coordinate the triggering and execution of cross-application and cross-layer transition mechanisms.

Contact: Michael Matthé

MAKI Project

During the first period of the DFG project Pervasive Simulation and Visualization with Resource- and Time-Constraints, a three-dimensional, continuum-mechanical upper arm model was optimized through machine learning, surrogate modelling, and distributed computations with minimum loss of accuracy. The developed model enables realtime simulations of the upper arm muscles on VR/AR devices mapped onto a human's body.

Building on this, the work of the second funding period focuses on enabling simultaneous synchronized realtime simulations of multiple models on heterogeneous resource constrained mobile devices.

Contact: Michael Schramm


PerSiVal Project

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