This image shows Melanie Heck

Melanie Heck

Dr. rer. pol.

Distributed Systems


Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.362


I primarily conduct research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, with a particular focus on cognitive state prediction from behavioral data. Adopting a holistic perspective, I investigate (1) methods to predict the cognitive state of a user, and (2) adaptation strategies that use the predicted state to dynamically adapt the user interface.

Adaptation strategies for multimodal user interfaces

Computing devices have pervaded almost every aspect of our lives. And while a particular communication channel may be useful in one situation, it can be rather impractical in another context. For example, text input is inconvenient when the hands are needed for another task. On the other hand, most users feel uncomfortable sending and receiving audio messages in public spaces. Multimodal interfaces allow users to choose between multiple interaction modalities, but typically give output in a default modality as specified in the application settings.

In my research, I examine strategies and rules that specify how information should be presented given a users’ situation and state. The objective is to improve the user experience by dynamically adapting either the presented content or its modality.

Cognitive state prediction with biosignal

In the Internet of Behaviors (IoB), data from sensors and other technologies is collected and analyzed to predict human behavior. Biosignals have been made readily available by ubiquitous devices (e.g., fitness trackers or smartphones). The behavioral data that they collect is nothing short of a mirror into the users’ cognitive processes. With the help of AI, biosignals can be used to decode different cognitive states. This enables applications that target not only marketing, but also healthcare or even driving assistants.

My research focus is on the connection between biosignals (e.g., eye movements, facial expressions, and speech) and dynamic cognitive states. Past projects have used machine learning, big data analytics, and other techniques to predict preferences, emotions, and comprehension. A particular interest has been the use of eye tracking to predict user preferences and emotions.

Eye tracking technology & methods

Using eye movements to predict cognitive states obviously requires that the user’s device can reliably estimate the gaze. Commercial eye trackers are both expensive and impractical for pervasive use (e.g., with mobile devices). An alternative method consists in capturing the user’s face with the devices’ integrated camera and applying sophisticated algorithms to estimate the gaze.

My research has primarily targeted gaze estimation methods for desktop computers and laptops, with a particular focus on calibration techniques that align the estimated gaze with the corresponding location on the display.


  1. Heck, M., Edinger, J., & Becker, C. (2024, March 11). Emotion Prediction Through Eye Tracking in Affective Computing Systems. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and Other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops).
  2. Heck, M. (2023). Presentation adaptation for multimodal interface systems: Three essays on the effectiveness of user-centric content and modality adaptation.
  3. Heck, M., Becker, C., & Deutscher, V. (2023). Webcam Eye Tracking for Desktop and Mobile Devices: A Systematic Review. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023.
  4. Edinger, J., Heck, M., Lummer, L., Wachner, A., & Becker, C. (2023, March). Hands-free Mobile Device Control Through Head Pose Estimation. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and Other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops).
  5. Heck, M., Jeong, J., & Becker, C. (2023, October). Evaluating the Potential of Caption Activation to Mitigate Confusion Inferred from Facial Gestures in Virtual Meetings. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION.
  6. Heck, M., Edinger, J., & Becker, C. (2022, March). Lessons Learned from an Eye Tracking Study for Targeted Advertising in the Wild. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and Other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops).
  7. Heck, M., Shon, S. H., & Becker, C. (2022, March). Does Using Voice Authentication in Multimodal Systems Correlate With Increased Speech Interaction During Non-critical Routine Tasks? 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.
  8. Heck, M., Edinger, J., Bünemann, J., & Becker, C. (2021, April). The Subconscious Director: Dynamically Personalizing Videos Using Gaze Data. 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.
  9. Heck, M., Edinger, J., Bünemann, J., & Becker, C. (2021, March). Exploring Gaze-Based Prediction Strategies for Preference Detection in Dynamic Interface Elements. Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval.
  10. Heck, M., Edinger, J., & Becker, C. (2021, May). Conditioning Gaze-Contingent Systems for the Real World: Insights from a Field Study in the Fast Food Industry. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  11. Heck, M., Sonntag, P., & Becker, C. (2021, June). Is This Really Relevant? A Guide to Best Practice Gaze-based Relevance Prediction Research. Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization.
  12. Heck, M., Edinger, J., & Becker, C. (2019, October). Gaze-based Product Filtering. The Adjunct Publication of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
  13. Heck, M., Edinger, J., Schaefer, D., & Becker, C. (2018, July). IoT Applications in Fog and Edge Computing: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? 2018 27th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN).

University of Stuttgart

  • Self-Organizing and Adaptive Systems (Exercise): ST22, WT22, WT23, ST24
  • Seminar "Modern Internet Technologies": ST23, WT23, ST24
  • Advanced Seminar "Trends in Distributed and Context-Aware Systems": ST23, WT23

University of Mannheim

  • Computational Thinking (Exercise): WT19, WT20, WT21
  • Technical Fundamentals of Information Systems (Exercise): ST19, ST20, ST21

Supervised Bachelor and Master Theses

  • Implementation & Evaluation of a Video Conferencing Tool with Dynamic Caption Activation in Response to Confusion Inferred from Facial Expressions (Project Thesis)
  • Implementation & Performance Comparison of Webcam Eye Tracking Software for Desktop Computers (Project Thesis)
  • Analyzing Facial Cues to Assess Comprehension in Virtual Meetings Mediated by Closed Captioning (Master Thesis)
  • Implementation of a Web-Based Adaptive Learning Platform (Project Thesis)
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Adaptive e-Learning Systems: A Systematic Review (Master Thesis)
  • Implementation of a Distributed Architecture for Appearance-based Gaze Estimation (Master Thesis)
  • Implementation of a Modularized Testbed for Gaze-Based User Profile Generation (Master Thesis)
  • Evaluation of System Initiation Tasks for Inferring a User’s Preferred Control Mechanism (Master Thesis)
  • Eliciting User Requirements for E-learning Platforms: An Empirical Study in the Context of Gaze-Based Adaptive Systems (Master Thesis)
  • The Present and the Future of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Systematic Literature Review (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Enhancing Learning Through Mobile Technology: A Gamification Approach (Master Thesis)
  • Visual Saliency Models for Proactive Interface Adaptation (Master Thesis)
  • From Stone Age to Present: A Survey on the Development of Adaptive User Interfaces (Master Thesis)
  • Into the Wild: Using Eye Tracking in a Real-World Setting (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Privacy in Adaptive Interfaces: Can All Applications Be Allowed to Collect User Data? (Bachelor Thesis)
  • A Hybrid Solution of Single and Multiple Object Tracking in Videos (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Using Machine Learning for Webcam-Based Facial Expression Recognition (Master Thesis)
  • Designing User Interfaces for Self-Order Terminals. A Usability Study (Master Thesis)
  • Eye Tracker Calibration for Spontaneous Interaction with Self-Service Terminals (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Feasibility Analysis of Leveraging Eye Tracking for Adaptive User Interfaces on Mobile Devices (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Is Eye Tracking the Next Market Disruptor? – A Macroanalysis (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Conferences: AMCIS '19, CHI '21, HICSS '23, HICSS '24, Smartcomp'24
  • Journals: IMWUT, IEEE Access
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