This image shows Michael Behringer

Michael Behringer

Dr. rer. nat.

Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems


+49 711 685 88242
+49 711 685 78242

Business card (VCF)

Universitätsstraße 38
D-70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.467

Office Hours

on appointment


Working Area: Data, Metadata and Analytics



In the PhD project "Interactive assistance systems in the context of explorative and user-centric data analysis", the focus is on interactive procedures that allow domain experts to perform additional analyses not covered by standard queries, thereby enabling new hypotheses and insights. 

Conventional applications from the areas of Visual Analytics or Self-Service Business Intelligence either focus on the analysis of a specific challenge or follow predefined analysis paths. Since a domain expert rarely has in-depth technical knowledge, a more fundamental analysis would have to be implemented by the IT department at high cost. However, this is only feasible if the economic relevance is predictable. Especially with regard to explorative analysis scenarios, such a competitive advantage is not quantifiable.

Hence, it is desirable to enable the domain expert to perform initial exploratory analyses on his own to verify assumptions. For this purpose, the necessary level of detail must be abstracted in each step of the analysis. A balanced interplay between visual and automated procedures is required and the domain expert should be involved in every step of the analysis. To provide more comprehensive analysis paths here, a more generic approach - for example using data mashup tools - is required. These allow a largely free combination of data sources and operators by means of an intuitive graphical interface and are therefore suitable for the specification of analysis processes with regard to the rapid exploration of data without requiring programming knowledge.

The objective of this project is to develop techniques to support a domain expert in explorative analysis. This includes for instance a preselection of data sources, the reduction of repetitive tasks and interaction concepts in the area of data preparation. Due to this shift in focus on the integration of one or more domain experts into the analysis process and the resulting increase in the degree of freedom, the time-consuming and cost-intensive implementation of a (new) analysis by the IT department can be dispensed with in many cases and, as a consequence, new business opportunities can be identified.


  1. Michael Behringer (2023). "Interactive, Explorative and User-Centric Data Analysis: Concepts, Systems, Evaluations". PhD Thesis
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  2. Michael Behringer, Pascal Hirmer, Alejandro Gabriel Zacharias Villanueva, Jannis Rapp, and Bernhard Mitschang (2023). "Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis". Accepted: 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, April 24-26, 2023
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  3. Michael Behringer, Dennis Treder-Tschechlov, Julius Voggesberger, Pascal Hirmer, and Bernhard Mitschang (2023). "SDRank - A Deep Learning Approach for Similarity Ranking of Data Sources to Support User-Centric Data Analysis". Accepted: 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, April 24-26, 2023
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  1. Michael Behringer, Manuel Fritz, Holger Schwarz, Bernhard Mitschang (2022). "DATA-IMP: An Interactive Approach to Specify Data Imputation Transformations on Large Datasets". Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, CoopIS 2022, Bozen, Italy, October 04-07, 2022. Best Conference Paper Award.
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  2. Christoph Stach, Clémentine Gritti, Julia Bräcker, Michael Behringer, and Bernhard Mitschang (2022). "Protecting Sensitive Data in the Information Age: State of the Art and Future Prospects". Future Internet. Volume 14, Issue 11, pp. 302:1-302:43
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  3. Manuel Fritz, Michael Behringer, Dennis Tschechlov, and Holger Schwarz (2022). "Efficient exploratory clustering analyses in large-scale exploration processes". The VLDB Journal. Volume 31, Issue 4, pp. 711-732
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  4. Christoph Stach, Michael Behringer, Julia Bräcker, Clémentine Gritti, and Bernhard Mitschang (2022). "SMARTEN—A Sample-Based Approach towards Privacy-Friendly Data Refinement". Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy. Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 606-628
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  5. Michael Behringer, Manuel Fritz, Holger Schwarz, Bernhard Mitschang (2022). "Increasing Explainability of Clustering Results for Domain Experts by Identifying Meaningful Features". Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2022, Online Streaming, April 25-27, 2022
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  1. Manuel Fritz, Michael Behringer, and Holger Schwarz (2020). "LOG-Means: Efficiently Estimating the Number of Clusters in Large Datasets". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. Volume 13, Issue 12, pp. 2118-2131
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  2. Michael Behringer, Pascal Hirmer, Manuel Fritz, and Bernhard Mitschang (2020). "Empowering Domain Experts to Preprocess Massive Distributed Datasets". In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Business Information Systems, BIS 2020, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, June 08-10, 2020.
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  1. Manuel Fritz, Osama Muazzen, Michael Behringer, and Holger Schwarz (2019). "ASAP-DM: a framework for automatic selection of analytic platforms for data mining". SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems.
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  2. Manuel Fritz, Michael Behringer, and Holger Schwarz (2019). "Quality-driven early stopping for explorative cluster analysis for big data". SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems - Advancements of Service Computing: Proceedings of SummerSoC 2018. Volume 34, Issue 2-3, pp. 129–140
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  3. Michael Behringer, Pascal Hirmer, and Bernhard Mitschang (2018). "A Human-Centered Approach for Interactive Data Processing and Analytics". In Enterprise Information Systems : 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2017, Porto, Portugal, April 26-29, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Slimane Hammoudi, Michał Śmiałek, Olivier Camp and Joaquim Filipe (eds.). Springer International Publishing, pp. 498–514.
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  4. Pascal Hirmer, Michael Behringer, and Bernhard Mitschang (2018). "Partial execution of Mashup Plans during modeling time". SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems - Advancements of Service Computing: Proceedings of SummerSoC 2017. Volume 33, Issue 3-4, pp. 341–352
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  5. Pascal Hirmer and Michael Behringer (2017). "FlexMash 2.0 – Flexible Modeling and Execution of Data Mashups". Rapid Mashup Development Tools : Second International Rapid Mashup Challenge, RMC 2016, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Florian Daniel and Martin Gaedke (eds.). Springer International Publishing, pp. 10–29.
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  6. Michael Behringer, Pascal Hirmer, and Bernhard Mitschang (2017). "Towards Interactive Data Processing and Analytics - Putting the Human in the Center of the Loop". Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2017, Porto, Portugal, April 26-29, 2017. pp. 87–96
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  7. Michael Behringer (2016). "Visual Analytics im Kontext der Daten- und Analysequalität am Beispiel von Data Mashups". Diploma Thesis. Universität Stuttgart
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  8. Markus Funk, Stefan Schneegass, Michael Behringer, Niels Henze, and Albrecht Schmidt (2015). "An Interactive Curtain for Media Usage in the Shower". In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, PerDis 2015, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 10-12, 2015. pp. 225–231
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  9. Michael Behringer (2014). "Erforschung der Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit flexiblen und unebenen Oberflächen". Study Thesis. Universität Stuttgart
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Bachelor thesis:

Master thesis:

Bachelor thesis:

Master thesis:

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