
Teaching activities of the SGS/SC/US3 groups

Our Courses: Overview

We offer the following  compulsory courses in the  bachelor programs in the field of computer science (i.e. Computer Science, Software Engineering, Media Computer Science, and  Data Science)

(the Numerical Fundamtals are elective for  Software Engineering and Media Computer Science and compulsory elective in the Simulation Technology program).

If you want to go futher into these topics,

is the next step - while the problems in the Numerical Fundamentals are suitable for pocket calculators, we challenge our computer here by, among other things, dealing with problems in domains in higher-dimensional spaces (instead of boring intervals) or large systems.

For students that like programming more, we also offer a 

  • Programming Project “Galaxy Crash”(In the module description, please open the menus “Courses and exams” and there “Offer Node”)

meant as an introduction for the world of Scientific Computing. The main goal is to implement an n-body simulation which simulates the collision of the Milky Way with the Andromeda galaxy. During this Programmierprojekt the participants will also get a feeling for the importance of algorithmic complexities for larger simulations.

Trained by the“Fundamentals of Scientific Computing”, you can attend a number of in-depth courses in the Master's program (or as an Master module taken in advance):

Additionally, we offer the following course for students of other study programs:

Current Courses (at C@mpus)

New course 'Simulation Software Engineering' starts in winter term 2021/22 - see more on YouTube

(Most of these courses involve more than one group, but C@mpus lists each for one group only)

Student Projects

For information about student projects at the SGS/ SC/US3 groups, please follow the link below

Student Projects SGS/SC/US3

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