Student Projects at SGS/SC/US3

Projects and Theses

Current Student Projects

  • Master's thesis
    Development of a Software Framework for the Generation of Datasets with Pflotran
    Max Hausch; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Enhancing Groundwater Heat Pump Modeling: Extending a Convolutional Neural Network to 3D
    Johanna Trick; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science
    Towards real-time physics in a 2D survival-based game
    Björn Aheimer, Felix Röhr, Daniel Six, Aleksis Vezenkov, Anietta Weckauff; Advisor: Carme Homs Pons
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Mathematical analysis of the influence of cut-off to the Quasi-Newton methods in preCICE
    Esther Ürek; Advisor: Jun Chen
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Pre- and post-processing methods for simulation of inductive position sensors
    Felix Kimmerle; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Rotational equivariance in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Modelling Heat Plumes of Heat Pumps in Groundwater
    Pascal Miliczek; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Optimizing Groundwater Heat Pump Placement: Extending Heat Plumes with Sequence Modelling Neural Networks
    Johanna Hofmann; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Master's thesis
    Optimizing a Two-Stage Neural Network for Efficient Modelling of Heat Plume Interactions of Geothermal Heat Pumps
    Xiaoyu Zhang; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Master's thesis
    Enhancing the support for parallel simulations of the neuromuscular system using OpenDiHu
    Simon Hauser; Advisor: Carme Homs Pons
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science
    Optimized Quantization of real numbers for given operation tables
    Mehmethan Basaer, Arif Iscak, Amel Krestic, Eric Sîrbu; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science
    Development of a demonstrator for modelling heat plumes of geothermal heat pumps
    Christof Schuster, Fabio Tucciarone, Ursula Krause, Laurin Röseler; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Lossfunction for Physics-Informed Machine Learning in Groundwater Flow
    Björn Aheimer; Advisor: Lukas Piller
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Hierarchical Collective Operations for HPX
    Lukas Zeil; Advisor: Alexander Strack
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Accelerator Support for GPXPy: A Tasked-based Gaussian Process Library in Python
    Henrik Möllmann; Advisor: Alexander Strack
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Implementing a Cholesky decomposition using SYCL
    Michal Bloch; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Master's thesis
    Modelling of semiconductor temperatures via neural networks
    Shourya Shukla; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Propaedeuticum SimTech
    Real-time visualized and GPU-accelerated Lattice Boltzmann simulations
    Marcel Graf; Advisor: Alexander van Craen
  • Master's thesis
    Analysis of different preconditioners for kernel matrices based on the PLSSVM liabrary using SYCL
    Jonas Horstmann; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Large Language Models as Zero-Shot Optimizers in Post-Silicon Validation Tuning
    Kevin Nguyen; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • SimTech Research Module
    Modeling the System dynamics of an inverted pendulum with physics-informed neural networks
    Lisa Meisinger; Advisors: Peter Domanski, Linus Bantel
  • Research Project M.Sc. Computer Science
    Training a Thermal Neural Network to Model Junction Temperatures of Traction Inverters
    Shourya Shukla
  • Propaedeuticum + Bachelor's thesis
    Iterative Surrogate Modeling for Black-Box Optimization Tasks
    Marc Hingar; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Sustainable Software Development for analysis of the evolution of supersecondary structures
    Tim Panzer; Advisor: Benjamin Uekermann
  • Master's thesis
    Integration of ontologies into MetaConfigurator and application in real world research communities
    Felix Neubauer; Advisor: Benjamin Uekermann

Topics for Student Projects

For possible topics for student projects and theses please refer to the page below (available in German only).

List of Topics (German page)

Completed Student Projects

  • Research Project Software Engineering
    Task-basierte Sonnensystemsimulationen mit Sender/Receiver
    Tim Niederhausen; Advisor: Alexander Strack
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science
    An analysis and classification tool for data files whose coding is also determined by their physical representation
    Esther Ürek, Martin Kurtz, Victoria Schäberle; Advisor: Klemens Krause
  • Research Project Software Engineering
    An analysis of energy relevant benchmarks, tunables and metric
    Marcel Marquardt; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Master's thesis
    GPPPy: Leveraging HPX and BLAS to accelerate Gaussian Processes in Python
    Maksim Helmann; Advisor: Alexander Strack
  • Master's thesis
    Preference Learning Based Black Box Optimization
    Karaj Khosla; Advisor: Samuel Morgan
  • Master's thesis
    Dynamic Energy Optimization for GPUs using Iteration and Block Detection on non-invasive Metrics
    Marcel Marquardt; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Project Work Simulation Technology
    Task-based Lattice-Boltzmann with HPX
    Marcel Graf; Advisor: Alexander Strack
  • Master's thesis
    Distributed Task-based Conjugated Gradients: A comparison between HPX and MPI + X
    Andrei Chalapco; Advisor: Alexander Strack
  • Master's thesis
    Optimization of Intra-Node Communication in HPC Systems: Development and Implementation of a Zero-Copy API
    Nils Imhoff; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science
    A Comparison of Neural Networks and a Parallel Least Squares Support Vector Machine Based on Complexity and Energy Consumption
    Thomas Baratto, Henrik Möllmann, Julia Onyems, Mara Schulte, Michal Bloch; Advisors: Marcel Breyer, Alexander van Craen
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science / Research Project Software Engineering
    Recording and evaluating the relationship of (Spotify) songs to vital parameters
    Ida Layer, Leon Layer, Ester Rzadkowolski, Simon Merkle, Lea Grams, Benjamin Tunc, Felix Jerye, Ralf Baumann; Advisor: Jonathan Stumber
  • Master's thesis
    Investigation of the complexity and energy-efficiency using pruning and neural architecture search in DNNs
    Marius Göhring; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Propaedeuticum + Bachelor's thesis
    Comparision of different Hyperparameter-Tuners for Support Vector Machines
    Yannick Marian Dzubba; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science
    Comparison and coupling of the in-house neuromuscular simulation software OpenDiHu with the biomechanics FEBio solver
    Paul Arlt, Silas Natterer, Luis Morgenstern, Jan Stein; Advisor: Carme Homs Pons
  • SimTech Research Module 1
    Modelling of Groundwater Flow with the Physics-Informed Neural Network Framework Modulus of NVIDIA
    Marius Göhring; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Master's thesis
    Development of an Euler-Lagrangian framework for point-particle tracking to enable efficient multiscale simulations of complex flows
    Helena Kschidock; Advisor: Benjamin Uekermann
  • Master's thesis
    Change tracking and observability in complex software development

    Nistha Bhawsinka; Advisor: Ishaan Desai
  • Research Project Software Engineering
    Design, Implementierung, and Evaluation of a Meta Configuration Tool Using Schema-to-UI Approaches
    Felix Neubauer, Minye Xu, Keyuriben Patel, Paul Bredl; Advisor: Benjamin Uekermann
  • Master's thesis
    Application integration and team collaboration for process optimization in intralogistics
    Sabri Bektas; Advisor: Benjamin Uekermann
  • Research Project Software Engineering
    Improving reproducibility of scientific software using Nix/NixOS
    Max Hausch, Simon Hauser; Advisor: Benjamin Uekermann
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Techniques Supporting Correctness Proofs for Change-of-Basis-Algorithms
    Okan Mazlum; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Application and Extension of a Super Resolution PICNN to Groundwater Modelling
    Manuel Hirche; Advisor: Julia Pelzer
  • Master's thesis
    Simulation meets real world: Deep Reinforcement Learning on Inverted Pendulum System
    Linus Bantel; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Hierarchical Function Representation with Posits
    Nils Hoyler; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Extending the Comparison of different n-body algorithms on various hardware platforms using SYCL
    Moritz Mahling; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    The Influence of Combination Steps in Time Integration Schemes
    Marius Knorpp; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Master's thesis
    Computation of 3D Real-Time Audio Based on Ambisonic Recordings for an Audio-Visual 3D Experience
    Lukas Piller; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning for Learn to Optimize
    Paul Mayer; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Solving massive systems of linear equations with a multi-GPU accelerated CG implementation
    Paul Arlt; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Bachelor Research Project: Computer Science
    Uncertainty Quantification with Finite Probability Spaces and Tensor Frameworks
    Johannes Hierlinger, Nico Strohbach, Danny Thomas Tran, Kilian Tran; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Comparison of different n-body algorithms on various hardware platforms using SYCL
    Tim Thüring; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Master's thesis
    Performance portability analysis of SYCL with a classical CG on CPU, GPU and FPGAs
    Julian Franquinet; Advisor: Alexander van Craen
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Surrogate models for black-box optimization problems
    Leonard Popp; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Master's thesis
    A preCICE-FMI Runner for Coupling Controller Models to PDEs
    Leonard Willeke; Advisor: Benjamin Uekermann, Examiners: Prof. Tenbohlen, Prof. Cheng
  • Master's thesis
    Efficient application of accelerator cards for the coupling library preCICE
    Timo Schrader; Advisor: David Schneider
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Evaluation of software for an augmented reality sandbox
    Benjamin Gless; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Master's thesis
    A Deep-Learning Approach for Large-Scale Groundwater Heat Pump Temperature Prediction
    Stefania Scheurer, Advisor: Raphael Leiteritz
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Comparison of parallel STL implementations for GPUs with native frameworks
    Felix Heidrich; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Master's thesis
    Analysis of mixed accuracy and the use of specialized GPU matrix units based on the PLSSVM application
    Benjamin Kurz; Advisors: Alexander van Craen, Marcel Breyer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    What properties do lullabies share? An empirical anlaysis
    Niclas Böttle; Advisors: Dirk Pflüger, Miriam Akkermann (TU Dresden)
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Parameter-dependent self-learning optimization
    Tareq Abu El Komboz; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Master's thesis
    Implementation and evaluation of a 3D camera based computer vision approach for real-time object detection including self-calibration
    Marius Stach; Advisors: Philipp Pöschke (Accenture), Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Investigation of self-learned zeroth-order optimization algorithm
    Kilian Schüttler; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Project Work Simulation Technology
    Node-Level Parallelisation of a GPU Simulation of the Activation of Muscle Fibers
    Moritz Strack; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Project Work Simulation Technology
    The Sparse Grid Combination Technique for PDE Solutions of Higher Order
    Maureen Kosiol; Advisor: Theresa Pollinger
  • SimTech Research Module 2
    Discovering Friction Models from Experimental Data using Physics-informed Neural Networks
    Marius Stach; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Master's thesis
    Coupling of macro and micro scale in a continuum-biomechanical model of the human liver using preCICE
    Fritz Otlinghaus; Advisors: Ishaan Desai / Steffen Gerhäusser
  • Master's thesis
    Parallel machine learning of fluid-structure interaction
    Moritz Widmayer; Advisor: Amin Totounferoush
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Invariants of Ansatz Functions under a Change of Basis
    Kamigar Mohamadsharief; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Multi-Node Parallelization of the PLSSVM Library
    Nicolas Hauf; Advisor: Alexander Van Craen
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Second-order projection-bases mapping methods for coupled multi-physics simulations
    Boshra Ariguib; Advisor: David Schneider
  • SimTech Research Module 2
    Physics-informed Sparse Grids in PyTorch
    Timothée Hornek; Advisor: Raphael Leiteritz
  • Master's thesis
    Investigation of the energy consumption of different GPUs with respect to the used software stack
    Erik Zeiske; Advisors: Marcel Breyer, Karlo Kraljic
  • Master's thesis
    Processor Frequency Sweet Spot Prediction based on Dynamic Code Analysis
    Tobias Schiffmann; Advisors: Christian Simmendinger (HPE), Gregor Daiß, Raphael Leiteritz
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Hierarchical Representation of Functions Using Dual B-Splines
    Simon Dobler; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • SimTech Research Module 1
    Application-specific comparison of Sparse Grids and Feedforward Neural Networks
    Marius Stach; Advisor: Peter Domanski
  • Bachelor Research Project Computer Science
    Generating Computational Graphs with Tracer Objects
    Benjamin Gless, Kamigar Mohamadsharief, Simon Tsakiridis, Simon Waldmann; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    A Framework for Distributed Training of Physics-Informed NNs using JAX
    Johannes Braun; Advisor: Raphael Leiteritz
  • Bachelor's thesis
    OpenCL-HPX Integration
    Michael Schupikov; Advisor: Gregor Daiß
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Coupling Julia-based Simulation via preCICE
    Pavel Kharitenko; Advisor: Ishaan Desai
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Distributed Fast Fourier Transforms for heterogeneous GPU Systems
    Simon Egger; Advisor: Malte Brunn
  • Bachelor Research Project Computer Science
    Neural Networks for Adjoint Methods
    Tobias Weinschenk, Robin Sasse, Philipp Schmid; Advisor: Felix Huber>
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Efficient Implicit-Explicit Methods for Muscular Activation Simulations
    Alexander Lulkin; Advisor: Felix Huber
  • Bachelor's thesis
    B-Spline-Approximation with Automatic Differentiation
    Katrin Bauer; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • SimTech Research Module 1
    Tensor Frameworks for Sparse Grid Representations
    Timothée Hornek; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • SimTech Research Module 1
    Development of a Reinforcement Learning Implementation for Maintenance Scheduling Systems
    Moira Peter; Advisors: Raphael Leiteritz, Lennard Sielaff
  • Master's thesis
    Transformed sparse grids for high-dimensional models
    Christopher Schnick; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Project work Simulation Technology
    Informing Surrogates with Physics - Neural Networks and Sparse Grids
    Niklas Schmidt; Advisor: Raphael Leiteritz
  • SimTech Research Module 1
    Porting a Simulation of the Activation of Muscle Fibers from OpenMP Offloading to SYCL
    Alexander Strack; Advisor: Marcel Breyer
  • Bachelor Research Project Computer Science
    Simulation of fractures using partitioned coupling methods
    Kilian Schüttler, Mohamad Wahed Bazo; Advisor: Alexander Jaust
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Machine learning of fluid structure interaction
    Axel Schumacher; Advisor: Amin Totounferoush
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Formal Verification of Basis Transformations for Function Representations
    Philipp Urban; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Project work Simulation Technology
    Orthogonal B-Splines for Sparse Grids
    Louisa Pawusch; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Project work Simulation Technology
    Analysis and generation of test data for hardware tests
    Steffen Müller; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    A new method for implicit time integration of the acoustic wave equation
    Stephan Nathanael Römheld; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Master's thesis
    Learning Free Surface flow using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
    Marcel Hurler; Advisor: Raphael Leiteritz
  • Bachelor's thesis
    SEIR-simulation of pooled tests for covid-19
    Andreas Maier; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Project Computer Science
    Hierarchical Representation of Functions Using Dual B-Splines
    Simon Dobler; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Optimization of diffusive load-balancing for short-range molecular dynamics
    Simon Hauser; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Data-driven load-balancing for short-range molecular dynamics
    Nicolas Geldner; Betreuer: Steffen Hirschmann/Theresa Pollinger
  • Research Project Software Engineering
    Analyzing the Performance of Task-Based Runtime Systems
    Tobias Schiffmann; Advisor: Gregor Daiß
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Grid-based load-balancing for short-range molecular dynamics
    Benjamin Vier; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Polynomial Chaos Expansion with spatially adaptive Sparse Grids
    Thomas Albrecht; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Tennis Match Outcome Prediction using LSTM Networks and Historical Averaging
    David Kurzendörfer; Advisor: Raphael Leiteritz
  • Master's thesis
    Distributed k-nearest Neighbors using Locality Sensitive Hashing and SYCL
    Marcel Breyer; Advisor: Gregor Daiß
  • Master's thesis
    PISM Performance Profiling - Analyzing a Climate Simulation
    Alexander Van Craen; Advisor: Gregor Daiß
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Dynamic workload balancing for heterogeneous systems
    Alexander Strack; Advisor: Malte Brunn
  • Bachelor Research Project Computer Science
    AR Sandbox API for scientific simulations
    Jens Hartmann, Alexander Maisch, Marko Persic, David Schwabe; Advisor: Malte Brunn
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Automatic image recognition on hanging textiles
    Eugen Mozikov; Advisor: Benjamin Maier
  • Master's thesis
    Model estimation and handling of flexible, three-dimensional bodies
    Hendrik Braun; Advisor: Benjamin Maier
  • Project work Simulation Technology
    Lattice Boltzmann Method for interactive Augmented Reality Sandbox simulations
    Alexander Strack; Advisor: Malte Brunn
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Webapplication for multiphysics simulations with opendihu
    Matthias Tompert; Advisor: Benjamin Maier
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Implementation of PDE solvers in TensorFlow
    Sebastian Baumfalk; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Software design for isogeometric elements
    Rafael Bramm; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Master's thesis
    Smoothness estimates by Fourier transforms and hierarchical decompositions
    Jens Drodofsky; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Vergleich von Dimensionsreduktionsmethoden für Surrogate auf Dünnen Gittern
    Christopher Schnick; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Research Project
    A Demonstator Code for Isogeometric Elements
    Rafael Simon Bramm, Hai Dang Nguyen, Daniel Stefani; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Master's thesis
    Hierarchische WEB-Splines auf räumlich adaptiven Dünnen Gittern
    Marc Hanauska; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Investigation of Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques for propagation of the action potentials along muscle fibers
    Tobias Walter; Advisor: Nehzat Emamy
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Extraktion anatomischer Strukturen und Darstellung durch NURBS
    Jan Kusterer; Advisor: Benjamin Maier
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Dynamische GPU-CPU Lastbalancierung
    Michael Vössner; Advisor: Malte Brunn
  • Research Project
    WEB-Spline Interpolation with the Combination Technique
    Robin Laidig, Florian Helmschmidt, Christina Bauer; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Dynamic Mode Decomposition for the Monodomain Equation in the Neuro-Muscular System
    Moritz Widmayer; Advisor: Nehzat Emamy
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Implementierung einer Erweiterung zur Behandlung von Hochgeschwindigkeitseinschlag im SiPER SPH-code
    Tom Cesko; Advisor: Marvin Becker
  • Research Project
    hp Adaptivität für die Interpolation mit B-Splines
    Florian Schaumann, Sebastian Kreuder, Lukas Piller ; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Distributed Sparse Grids Regression with SG++ and HPX
    Philipp Wundrack; Advisor: Gregor Daiß
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Efficient Image Registration for Label Mapping of 3D MRI Brain Scans
    Rebecca Mammel; Advisor: Malte Brunn
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Data Mining auf Dünnen Gittern in gemischter Genauigkeit
    Florian Klaus; Advisor: Malte Brunn
  • Research Project
    Muscular fascicle arrangement based on Laplacian vector fields
    Raimund Rolfs, Niven Ratnamaheson, Jan Kusterer, Tobias Walter; Advisor: Benjamin Maier
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Untersuchung der Interpolationen mit radialen Basisfunktionen für Multi-Physik Simulationen
    David Sommer; Advisor: Florian Lindner
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Generalized B-Splines auf Dünnen Gittern
    Simon Friz; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Local load balancing with a grid-based scheme in ESPResSo
    Bernhard Fischer; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Design und Implementation of system tests for a distributed multi-physics simulation package
    Yakup Hoshaber; Advisor: Florian Lindner
  • Master's thesis
    OctoTiger: Binary Star Systems With HPX on Nvidia P100
    Gregor Daiß; Advisors: David Pfander, Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Modellierung eines Wasserfalls mit SPH
    Yakup Hoshaber, Nicolas Poier, Magnus Specht, Kennjy Marte, Mark Czepan, Raoul Ghit, Tobias Haller; Advisors: Carolin Schober, Michael Lahnert
  • Bachelor's thesis
    A High-Performance k-Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm for GPUs
    Marcel Breyer; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Bachelor's thesis
    GPU-Accelerated Support-Vector Machines on Nvidia P100
    Alexander Van Craen; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Bachelor's thesis
    B-Spline collocation using the combination technique
    Sebastian Hasler; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Implementation and Comparison of Load Balancing Methods in ESPResSo
    Maximilian Wildbrett; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Master's thesis
    Orthogonal Sparse Grid Subspace Decompositions for PDE with Variable Coefficients
    Constantin Schreiber; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Gradient-Based Approximation with B-Splines on Sparse Grids
    Felix Diez; Advisor: Julian Valentin
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Investigation of Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques for propagation of the action potentials along muscle fibers
    Pascal Litty; Advisor: Nehzat Emamy
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Entwicklung eines XML-basierten Konfigurationsframeworks für eine verteilte Multi-Physik Kopplungssoftware
    Georg Abrams; Advisor: Florian Lindner
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Subspace-Optimal Data Mining on Spatially Adaptive Sparse Grids
    Maximilian Luz; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Research Project
    Spectral Collocation Methods for the Solution of PDE
    Johannes Erwerle, Sarah Stieß, Markus Zilch; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Research Project
    Development Of a Bridge Simulator Using the Direct Stiffness Method
    Hannes Bonasch, Niklas Owens, Tom Zeller; Advisor: Benjamin Maier
  • Research Project
    Efficient Calculation of Fractional Diffusion using a Tree-based Algorithm
    Vincent Wagner; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Large systems of linear equations for B-Spline interpolation on sparse grids
    Jens Drodofsky; Advisor: Michael Rehme
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Uncertainty Quantification in microscopic traffic simulations
    Dominic Parga Cacheiro; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Density Estimation with Adaptive Methods
    Jan-Oliver Schmidt; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Implementierung und Untersuchung dynamischer Lastbalancierer in ls1 mardyn
    Fabian Maurer; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Master's thesis
    Coupling of Particle Simulations and Lattice Boltzmann Background Flow on Adaptive Grids
    Malte Brunn; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Diploma Thesis
    Visualisierung von Lastimbalancen in kurzreichweitigen Molekülsimulationen
    Tobias Skarman; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Diploma Thesis
    Development of a modern Application Programming Interface by the example of SG++
    Özcan Kara; Advisors: David Pfander, Dirk Pflüger
  • Master's thesis
    Performance analysis and optimization of a distributed multi-physics simulation software package
    Peter Vollmer; Advisor: Florian Lindner
  • Diploma Thesis
    Integration of a Generic Grid Interface in ESPResSo
    Daniel Eschbach; Advisor: Michael Lahnert
  • Research Project
    Was ist die beste Programmiersprache für ein Finite- Element-Programm?
    Alexander Van Craen, Jens Drodofsky, Marcel Breyer; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Research Project
    3D Printing and Visualization for Topology Optimization with Sparse Grids
    Jan Gemander, Rico Hartung, Maurice Koch; Advisor: Julian Valentin
  • Research Project
    Vergleich von Bibliotheken zur linearen Algebra
    Domini Schreiber, Joscha Goetzer, Simon Reiss ; Advisor: Florian Lindner
  • Research Project
    Runtime Comparison of Different Procedures in ESPResSo
    Fabian Ade, Tilak Wälde, Michael Steinert; Advisor: Carolin Schober
  • Research Project
    Usability and Development of SG++ – Analysis and Improvement Potentials
    Sebastian Beck, Stefan Schmid, Stefan Schnack; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Visualization of Octree-Based Grids
    Felix Kohlgrüber; Advisor: Michael Lahnert
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Study of bottlenecks of parallel simulations with ESPResSo
    Tilak Wälde; Advisors: Steffen Hirschmann, Florian Weik (ICP)
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Optimization of Uncertain Systems with B-Splines on Sparse Grids
    Juri Schröder; Advisors: Fabian Franzelin, Julian Valentin
  • Master's thesis
    Hochgenaue 3D Simulation für Outdoor-Roboter
    Benjamin Maier; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Implementation of a Generic Grid Interface in ESPResSo
    Daniel Eschbach; Advisor: Michael Lahnert
  • Research Project
    Load quantification in Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Long-range Forces
    Vincent Wagner; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Load quantification in Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Long-range Forces
    Vincent Wagner; Advisor: Steffen Hirschmann
  • Bachelor's thesis
    The Combination Technique as a Time Integrator in Parareal
    Anna Kulischkin; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Methods for the Evaluation of Simulations with ESPResSo for the Virtual Development of Cabin Air Filters
    Dominik Lekar; Advisor: Carolin Schober
  • Research Project
    High-Performance Sparse Grid Data Mining with B-Splines
    Juri Schröder, Maximilian Küchle, Felix Diez, Florian Grotepaß ; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Detection of Silent Faults with the Combination Technique
    Marcel Hurler; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Development of a Source-To-Source Compiler for Explicit Optimization
    Jan Rapp; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Research Project
    Optimization with Lagrange Polynomials on Sparse Grids
    Jaysen Blei; Advisor: Julian Valentin
  • Research Project
    Dünngitterdarstellung von Simulationsergebnissen für die CO2-Speicherung
    David Holzmüller, Julian Liedtke, Melanie Schäfer; Advisors: Fabian Franzelin, Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Data Mining for Adaptive Sparse Grids with Higher Order Basis Functions on GPUs
    Malte Brunn; Advisors: Fabian Franzelin, Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Implementation of a parallel multigrid solver for the solution of higher-dimensional PDEs on anisotropic grids in DUNE
    Daniel Pfister
  • Research Project
    Large Synthetic Data Sets to Compare Different Data Mining Methods
    Victoria Ivanova, Yaroslav Nalivayko, Sven Goletz; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Research Project
    Microscopic Traffic Simulation
    Dominic Parga Cacheiro, Maximilian Luz, Jan-Oliver Schmidt; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Compression of Numerical Data Sets by Multidimensional Hierarchical Subspace Schemes
    Tim Würtele; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Numerical Test-based Code Clone Detection
    Denis Quint; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Interweaved parallel Data Mining using hUMA
    Raphael Leiteritz; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Master's thesis
    Development of a FEM Code for Fluid-Structure Coupling
    Stephan Herb; Advisor: Florian Lindner
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Sparse Grid Data Mining with Massive Datasets
    Max Franke; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Distributed Sparse Grid Clustering with Huge Datasets
    Gregor Daiß; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Fast Parallel Multigrid Solvers on Cartesian Grids
    David Hardes; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Master's thesis
    Load-balancing for dynamical and heterogeneous linked-cell molecular dynamics simulations
    Steffen Hirschmann; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Master's thesis
    CPU-FPGA Data Exchange and Synchronization
    Nabeel Anjum; Advisors: Dirk Pflüger, Colin Glass
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Finite Element Method on Dynamic Adaptive Cartesian Grids
    Benjamin Maier; Advisor: Michael Lahnert
  • Research Project
    Numerical Test-based Code Clone Detection (SimTech Propädeutikum)
    Denis Quint; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Detecting platform parameters with OpenCL
    Sebastian Staudenmaier; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Real Time Rigid Body Simulation using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
    Axel Reiser; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Research Project
    Global Optimization with Sparse Grid Surrogates by Lagrange Interpolation
    Claudius Proissl; Advisor: Julian Valentin
  • Master's thesis
    Robust Quasi-Newton Methods for Partitioned Fluid-Structure Simulations
    Klaudius Scheufele; Advisor:
  • Research Project
    Fuzzy Control with the Combination Technique
    Fabian Gajek, Felix Kohlgrüber, Valentin Siegert, Marian Thull; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Research Project
    Compression of Floating Point Numbers in Hierarchical Subspace Schemes
    Pedram Damabi, Michael Fischer, Lukas Sauer, Clemens Sigel; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Dünngitter-Diskretisierungen für Probleme mit variablen Koeffizienten
    Constantin Schreiber; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Master's thesis
    Design and Implementation of a Fault Simulation Layer for the Combination Technique on HPC Systems
    Johannes Walter; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Implementation of load balancing methods for two-dimensional particle simulations
    Jonas Schradi; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Clustering on Intel MIC with huge datasets
    Andreas Bauer, Gregor Daiß, Max Franke; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Effiziente verteilte Hierarchisierung und Dehierarchisierung auf vollen Gittern
    Philipp Butz; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Comparison of different compilers by the example of SG++
    Adam Grahovac, Fabian Toth,Patrick Wickenhäuser; Advisor: David Pfander
  • Master's thesis
    Hierarchical optimization with gradient-based methods on sparse grid functions
    Julian Valentin; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Implementation of the multi-dimensional Black-Scholes-Equations in DUNE
    Markus Ganser; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Hierarchical basis functions of higher order for sparse grids on GPUs
    Malte Brunn; Advisors: Fabian Franzelin, Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    The Peano curve for sparse grid hierarchization with space-filling curves
    Marcel Schneider; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Monte-Carlo Methods in Uncertainty Quantification
    Matthias Mögerle, Marcel Schneider; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Research Project
    Fault-tolerant solution of PDEs with the Sparse Grid Combination Technique
    Amir Abdelaziz
  • Diploma Thesis
    Uncertainty Quantification on Adaptive Sparse-Grids with Piecewise Polynomial Basis Functions
    Michael Lahnert; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Interactive Visualisation of High Dimensional Functions
    Rene Schwarz; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Diploma Thesis
    Uncertainty Quantification on Adaptive Sparse-Grids with Piecewise Polynomial Basis Functions
    David Pfander; Advisor: Fabian Franzelin
  • Research Project
    Raumfüllende Kurven zur Sequentialisierung mehrdimensionaler Datenstrukturen. Überblick und Vorbemerkungen zu ihrer Verwendung im Kontext Dünner Gitter. (SimTech Propädeutikum)
    Patrick von Steht; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Hierarchical Transformations and the Q-Cycle
    Steffen Hirschmann; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Cache-efficient hierarchization on sparse grids with space-filling curves
    Patrick von Steht; Advisors: Dirk Pflüger, Axel Arnold
  • Diploma Thesis
    Sampling-oblivious PUM Visualization
    Matthias Kostka; Advisors: Sa Wu, Stefan Zimmer
  • Diploma Thesis
    Uncertainty Quantification with Sparse Grids
    Julia Leibinger; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Entwurf und Realisierung einer KI für das Kartenspiel Tichu
    David Pfander; Advisor: Patrick Diehl
  • Research Project
    Tichu-App: Entwurf und Implementierung einer Android App für das Kartenspiel Tichu
    Alexander Foril, Patrick Gairing, Tilo Pfannkuch, Rene Schwarz; Advisor: Patrick Diehl
  • Diploma Thesis
    GPU-Based Numerical Integration in the Partition of Unity Method
    Sebastian Kanis; Advisor: Patrick Diehl
  • Research Project
    Big Data: Massively Parallel Data Mining of Vast Datasets
    Roberto Fontanarosa, Steffen Hirschmann, Tobias Rupp; Advisors: Patrick Diehl, Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    A Framework for Pedestrian Simulation
    Stephan Herb; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    A robust multilevel solver for elliptic problems with jumping coefficients
    Klaudius Scheufele; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Hierarchical Methods Applied to Battleships
    Florentin Mehlbeer; Advisor: Dirk Pflüger
  • Bachelor's thesis
    Parallelization of the Partition of Unity Code Crass
    Albert Ziegenhagel; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Research Project
    IMP 3.0
    Henry Schrapel, Tobias Bischoff, Benjamin Proelß; Advisors: Patrick Diehl, Dirk Pflüger
  • Research Project
    Partition of Unity Method for three-dimensionsal problems
    Michael Lahnert; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Diploma Thesis
    Integration of Flow Simulations into the Parallel Multilevel Partition of Unity Method
    Christian Dittrich; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Research Project
    Flow Simulations with the Partition of Unity Method
    Julia Leibinger; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Diploma Thesis
    Extension of a numerical pavement surface runoff model by porous asphalt
    Daniel Pflüger; Advisors: Sabrina Klötzl, Bruno Arbter(ISV), Stefan Zimmer
  • Diploma Thesis
    Implementation of a Peridynamic Method on GPU
    Patrick Diehl; Advisor: Sa Wu
  • Research Project
    GPU-Based Assembly of Stiffness Matrices in the Parallel Multilevel Partition of Unity Method
    Sebastian Kanis; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Research Project
    Mobile Real Time Flow Simulation
    Florentin Mehlbeer, Klaudius Scheufele, Daniel Söll; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Diploma Thesis
    Implementation and Application of Laplacian Eigenmap Methods
    Ramzy Saleh; Advisor: Stefan Zimmer
  • Diploma Thesis
    Cache-effiziente Block-Matrix-Löser für die Partition of Unity Method
    Patrick Gründer; Advisors: Michael Bader, Stefan Zimmer
  • Research Project
    Systemanalyse und Workflowverwaltung eines Frameworks für Cache-effiziente adaptive Simulation (138)
    Miriam Greis, Jessica Hackländer, Pascal Hirmer; Advisor: Oliver Meister
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