The third winter school of KnowGraphs ITN, scheduled for March 7th–9th, 2023 in Vienna, aims to accelerate research in specific sub-disciplines of Knowledge Graphs and address Early Stage Researchers' research problems.
The three-day winter school will feature many talks, including one by Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab, who will speak on the topic of "Symbolic Background Knowledge for Machine Learning".
Here is the abstract of the talk:
Machine learning aims at learning complex functions from data. Very often, this challenge remains ill-defined given the available amount of data, however, background knowledge that is available as knowledge graphs, ontologies or symbolic (physical) equations allows for an improved specification of the targeted solution. In this talk, we want to discuss several use cases that include symbolic background knowledge as regularizing priors, as constraints or as other inductive biases into machine learning tasks.
More information are available here.