The directors Ingo Steinwart and Andreas Bulling, as well as the rector of the University of Stuttgart Wolfram Ressel, will introduce the unit, its planned activities, and its members. This will be followed by a keynote talk by ELLIS Fellow Bernt Schiele (Max Planck Institute for Informatics) and further presentations by Paul Bürkner (University of Stuttgart), Katherine J. Kuchenbecker (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Michael Pradel (University of Stuttgart), and Steffen Staab (University of Stuttgart).
The unit’s PostDocs and Ph.D. students will be introduced through lightning talks and poster presentations. A networking event will close the day’s activities.
This event will take place on the Vaihingen campus of the University of Stuttgart (Pfaffenwaldring 47.03), Germany, on July 21st. Talks will be recorded and made available online after the event. The event will be held in English and is open to everyone; no registration is required.
For more information, see the program on the event description on the ELLIS website and contact