Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.168
- Pollinger, T., Craen, A.V., Niethammer, C., Breyer, M., Pflüger, D.: Leveraging the Compute Power of Two HPC Systems for Higher-Dimensional Grid-Based Simulations with the Widely-Distributed Sparse Grid Combination Technique. Presented at the November 12 (2023).
- Pollinger, T., Rentrop, J., Pflüger, D., Kormann, K.: A stable and mass-conserving sparse grid combination technique with biorthogonal hierarchical basis functions for kinetic simulations. Journal of Computational Physics. (2023).
- Pollinger, T., Hurler, M., Obersteiner, M., Pflüger, D.: Distributing Higher-Dimensional Simulations Across Compute Systems: A Widely Distributed Combination Technique. In: 2021 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Hierarchical Parallelism for Exascale Computing (HiPar). pp. 1--9 (2021).
- Daiß, G., Simberg, M., Reverdell, A., Biddiscombe, J., Pollinger, T., Kaiser, H., Pflüger, D.: Beyond Fork-Join: Integration of Performance Portable Kokkos Kernels with HPX. In: 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). pp. 377--386 (2021).
- Lago, R., Obersteiner, M., Pollinger, T., Rentrop, J., Bungartz, H.-J., Dannert, T., Griebel, M., Jenko, F., Pflüger, D.: EXAHD: A massively parallel fault tolerant sparse grid approach for high-dimensional turbulent plasma simulations. In: Software for Exascale Computing-SPPEXA 2016-2019. pp. 301--329. Springer International Publishing (2020).
- Pollinger, T., Pflüger, D.: Learning-Based Load Balancing for Massively Parallel Simulations of Hot Fusion Plasmas. Advances in Parallel Computing. 36, 137–146 (2020).