Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.164
Office Hours
on appointment
- Breyer, M., Van Craen, A., Pflüger, D.: Performance Evolution of Different SYCL Implementations based on the Parallel Least Squares Support Vector Machine Library. In: IWOCL ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Workshop on OpenCL. pp. 1–12. Association for Computing Machinery (2023).
- Thüring, T., Breyer, M., Pflüger, D.: Comparing a Naive and a Tree-Based N-Body Algorithm using Different Standard SYCL Implementations on Various Hardware. In: Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. pp. 1906–1917. Association for Computing Machinery, Denver, CO, USA (2023).
- Craen, A. van, Breyer, M., Pflüger, D.: PLSSVM : A (multi-)GPGPU-accelerated Least Squares Support Vector Machine. In: 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). pp. 818–827. IEEE (2022).
- Breyer, M., Van Craen, A., Pflüger, D.: A Comparison of SYCL, OpenCL, CUDA, and OpenMP for Massively Parallel Support Vector Machine Classification on Multi-Vendor Hardware. In: International Workshop on OpenCL. pp. 1–12. Association for Computing Machinery, Bristol, United Kingdom, United Kingdom (2022).
- Craen, A. van, Breyer, M., Pflüger, D.: PLSSVM : Parallel Least Squares Support Vector Machine. Software impacts. 14, 100343 (2022).
- Breyer, M., Daiß, G., Pflüger, D.: Performance-Portable Distributed k-Nearest Neighbors using Locality-Sensitive Hashing and SYCL. In: International Workshop on OpenCL. pp. 1–12. Association for Computing Machinery, Munich, Germany (2021).
- Breyer, M.: Distributed k-nearest neighbors using Locality Sensitive Hashing and SYCL,, (2020).