Dieses Bild zeigt Melanie Herschel

Melanie Herschel

Frau Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Data Engineering


+49 711 685 88444
+49 711 685 78444

Visitenkarte (VCF)

Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 2.447


Feel free to contact me by email to schedule an appointment. 


I am a professor for Data Engineering at the department Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems of the University of Stuttgart. The overarching goal of my team's research is to automatically prepare, process, and analyze massive heterogeneous data for use in various real-life applications.

My department at the University of Stuttgart focuses on four main research areas: data transparency, complex data processing, data wrangling, and data exploration and analysis. We conduct both foundational and algorithmic research as well as system and application-oriented research.

University of Stuttgart

  • Data Structures and Algorithms, lecture / practical (WS17/18, WS18/19, SS2022)
  • Information Integration, lecture / practical (every winter term, from WS14/15)
  • Data Engineering, lecture / practical (every summer term, from SS2016)
  • Data Engineering Colloquium, research colloquium (every term, since SS2016)
  • Advanced Data Engineering, Master-Seminar (each winter term, since WS16/17)
  • Provenance in Information Systems, Master-seminar  (SS2016, SS2017)
  • Datenbanken-Evergreens, Bachelor-seminar (SS2016, SS2018)
  • Introduction to Databases: Must Reads, Bachelor-seminar (each winter term, since WS15/16)
  • Advanced Information Integration, Master-seminar (WS15/16)

Prior to joining University of Stuttgart

  • Introduction to Database Management Systems, lecture / project (WS13/14, Université Paris Sud)
  • Data Integration & Semantic Web, lecture / project (WS12/13, Université Paris Sud)
  • Data Warehouses and OLAP, lecture / practical (WS11/12 - WS13/14, Université Paris Sud)
  • Information Integration (chapters on data provenance), lecture (WS11/12, Université Paris Sud)
  • Data Warehouses, lecture / practical (SS 2011, Universität Tübingen)
  • Data Integration and Lineage, lecture / practical (WS 2010/2011, Universität Tübingen)
  • Datenbanksysteme I, lecture (SS 2010, Universität Tübingen; WS 2010/2011, DHBW Stuttgart)
  • Informationsintegration, lecture (SS 2010 & SS 2011, Universität Hamburg)
  • Datenbanksysteme II, lecture / practical (WS 2009/2010, Universität Tübingen; SS 2011, DHBW Stuttgart)
  • Datenbanksystem-Klassiker: Ten-Year Best Paper Awards, seminar (SS 2009, Universität Tübingen)
  • Schema Matching, seminar (WS 2007/2008, Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
  • Data Cleaning, seminar (SS 2007, Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
  • Data Fusion in Three Steps, seminar (WS 2006/2007, Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
  • Information Integration, practical (WS 2004/2005, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • Information Integration II, practical (SS 2004, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

since 2014

Professor for Data Engineering, IPVSUniversity of Stuttgart, Germany

2019 - 2020

Visiting research professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore

2017 - 2019

Managing Director, IPVSUniversity of Stuttgart, Germany

2011 - 2014

Associate professor, Université de Paris Sud 11, France ( Large-scale and heterogeneous data and knowledge group, formerly database group) and member of the INRIA OAK team

2009 - 2011

Post-doc resarcher at Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für InformatikUniversität Tübingen (Lehrstuhl für Datenbanksysteme)

2008 - 2009

Post-doc researcher at IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA.

2006 - 2008

Research assistant, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam (Lehrstuhl für Informationssysteme)


PhD defense at the Department of Computer ScienceHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2003 - 2006

Research assistant, Department of Computer ScienceHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Lehrstuhl für Informationsintegration)

2000 - 2003

Studies of Information Technology Management at the School of Cooperative Education, Stuttgart


Visiting NUS

I was a visiting research professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) from fall 2019 to summer 2020. 

Research highlights

Principal investigator in the Excellence cluster "Computational Design and Construction for Architecture" (IntCDC)
Principal investigator in the Excellence cluster "Data-Integrated Simulation Science" (SimTech)


Co-chair: PhD Workshop @ ICDE 2023
Program chair @ BTW 2021
Program chair @ EDBT 2019
Co-chair: Workshop on Exploratory Search in Databases and the Web (ExploreDB) @ SIGMOD 2018
Program chair: Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance @ Provenance Week 2018
Co-chair: Workshop on Provenance and Annotation in Computational Linguistics (PACL) @ TLT 2018
Demonstration co-chair @ BTW 2017
Publicity Chair @ SIGMOD 2016
Conf. area chair: Data Integration, Metadata Management & Interoperability @ ICDE2015


Associate editor of ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science, since 2019
Associate editor of the VLDB Journal, since 2017

Invited talks

Keynote talk at French Database Conference BDA, 2020. 
Invited tutorial on Data Provenance, Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing 2018
Invited tutorial on Data Quality, EDBT Summer School 2017
I have participated in the panel Exploratory Search in Databases and the Web – New name for an old hat? at the EDBT ExploreDB workshop 2014. I have also contributed to a related post on the SIGMOD blog.

PC member

VLDB 2023, VLDB 2022, SIGMOD 2022, ICDE 2022, EDBT 2022, SIGMOD 2021, EDBT 2021, VLDB 2020, DASH 2020, SIGMOD 2019VLDB 2019, ,SummerSOC 2019VLDB 2018SummerSOC 2018ICDE 2017VLDB 2017SIGMDO 2017WebDB 2017SummerSOC 2017IPAW@Provenance Week 2016VLDB 2016ExploreDB 2016ICDE 2016TAPP 2015BTW 2015SIGMOD 2015EDBT 2015BeRSys 2014Informatik 2014TAPP 2014IEEE Big Data 2014ExploreDB 2014DATA 2014EDBT 2014BDA 2013ADBIS 2013DATA 2013IEEE Big Data 2013EDBT 2013BTW 2013VLDB 2012BDA 2012ICDE 2012EDBT 2012SIGMOD 2011ICDE 2011QDB 2011ICDE 2010BTW 2009DataX 2008

Journal referee

ACM Transactions on Database Systems, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, ACM Transactions on Internet Technologies, VLDB Journal, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information Systems, World Wide Web Journal, Knowledge and Information Systems, Journal on Data Semantics, Ingénerie des Systèmes d'Information, Book on "Qualité et Gouvernance de Données" ed. Laure Berti-Equille

A list of the team's publications is available on our dedicated publications page.

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