This image shows Malte Brunn

Malte Brunn

Mr. M.Sc.

Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter
Simulation großer Systeme


+49 711 685 88226
+49 711 685 78226

Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.164

Office Hours

Nach Vereinbarung

  1. Brunn, M., Himthani, N., Biros, G., Mehl, M., Mang, A.: Fast GPU 3D Diffeomorphic Image Registration. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.08893. (2020).
  2. Brunn, M., Himthani, N., Biros, G., Mehl, M., Mang, A.: Fast 3D diffeomorphic image registration on GPUs. (2019).
  3. Hirschmann, S., Lahnert, M., Schober, C., Brunn, M., Mehl, M., Pflüger, D.: Load-Balancing and Spatial Adaptivity for Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Applications. In: Nagel, W.E., Kröner, D.H., and Resch, M.M. (eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’18. pp. 1--510. Springer International Publishing (2018).
  4. Pfander, D., Brunn, M., Pflüger, D.: AutoTuneTMP: Auto-Tuning in C++ With Runtime Template Metaprogramming. In: IPDPS Workshops. pp. 1123–1132. IEEE Computer Society (2018).
  5. Hirschmann, S., Brunn, M., Lahnert, M., Glass, C.W., Mehl, M., Pflüger, D.: Load balancing with p4est for Short-Range Molecular Dynamics with ESPResSo. In: Advances in Parallel Computing. pp. 455--464. IOS Press (2017).
  6. Brunn, M.: Coupling of Particle Simulation and Lattice Boltzmann Background Flow on Adaptive Grids,, (2017).
  7. Brunn, M.: Data-mining on adaptively refined sparse grids with higher order basis functions on GPUs,, (2016).
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